2145 Ipswich Road Oxley, QLD 4075
The prices you can get will depend largely on the grade of scrap aluminium that you deliver and also the price of aluminium on the International Metal Exchange at the time.
One of the main factors of grading any metal is the level of impurities. Impurities for aluminium include things as plastic coating, steel cords, lead or other attachments that are used when the product is manufactured. Obviously the less attachments, the cleaner the aluminium, the higher the value of your aluminium scrap!
As different levels of impurities can give your aluminium a different classification, it’s a good idea to drop into one of our sites with a sample to obtain an accurate quote from one of our experts.
Loose whole or flattened aluminium beverage cans, free from excessive dirt, liquid or other foreign materials
Most common in cars and trucks, aluminium rims are another type of aluminium scrap that should be sorted. To maximize your profit on them, make sure that rubber tyres are removed from them
Aluminium Extrusion scrap shall consist of clean aluminium profile extrusions including window and door frames. It must be free of iron inserts, screws and plastic, rubber or other foreign materials.
Shall consist of new and old, clean, unalloyed aluminium wire or cable containing not over 1% free oxide or dirt and free from hair wire, steel cord, wire screen, Iron, insulation and other non-metallic items.
Aluminium sheet consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpainted sheet, free of hair wire, wire screen, dirt and other non-metallic items.
Oil Free Irony engine and transmission scrap (Min 25% aluminium) No cast iron blocks attached
We have very strict guidelines around what you can and not include in your scrap metal because it may pose a significant risk to the health, safety, property or the environment.
Customers are restricted from dropping off the following dangerous goods or substances to any of our sites:
If in doubt about whether certain scrap is prohibited, you must check with the weight bridge office. All scrap deemed to be prohibited and found in our scrap metal bins or in your load will not be accepted at our sites and will be returned.
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